Monday, July 30, 2012

I Bet You Thought You Voted For Obama!

You probably didn't realize when you pulled the lever or marked you ballot for Obama you were really voting for Kathleen Sebelius, but every action has consequences. When the Democrats were jamming Obamacare down our throats none of us had an accurate picture of what was really going to happen if this "hollow shell" of a law was approved. We are naive enough to believe our legislators actually create our laws. Instead, they approved a bill "that had to be passed so we would know what was in it"; one that a congressman (?) questioned why he should read it since it was not something he would understand anyway. Wow, talk about "opening the door"!

In their infinite wisdom, those we elect and send to Washington to protect our interests passed a bill designed to allow a progressive appointee, Sebelius, almost absolute power over your life, and more important to those my age, you death, page after page simply says to be decided by the secretary. One might say "and you ain't seen nothin yet"! One of the initial steps in taking away YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS is a mandate forcing businesses to cover birth control devices in their employee insurance programs:

Freedom of Religion? For Who?

Oh, you will have a choice Mr Businessman, follow this "regulation" or pay massive fines, oops I mean taxes, amounting to hundreds of dollars per employee which would be crippling for most small businesses. It sounded to me that Obama said  "if you have a small business you didn't build it" yet he claimed that's not what he meant. I agree, he probably wanted to say "you didn't build it, and you don't run it either"! It's no wonder small businessmen are "sitting on their hands" and wondering what this man will do to them next.

If this administration can so easily ignore the religious freedom of thousands of people, what action will the "Secretary" take when she faces the coming shortage of Doctors to handle all those new Medicaid patients. Probably not a great time to be in  "your golden years"!

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