The founders gave us The Declaration of Independence upon which they based The Constitution despite what progressives like President Obama believe. Their words "governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed", were interpreted by Abraham Lincoln, In the Gettysburg Address as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people". Obviously, the founders were determined to create a government that would work for the people not the one we seem headed toward. Read the following article and ask yourself who works for who.
What will they do next?
There are people who vote democrat and others who vote republican no matter who their party is offering as a candidate. They vote party, as did their parents before them. One wonders whether this is appropriate in view of our country's circumstances today, but it is their absolute right to do with their vote as they wish. Both parties seem to regard these voters as their base and they seem confident they will be able to hold or control those votes. Unfortunately, this is probably true. In fact, these particular voters may be a primary reason why we seem to be offered "the worse of two evils candidates" in each election cycle. Each party nominates someone who their media pollsters tell them will appeal to those voters who are not strictly "party voters" since they feel very comfortable in taking their party voters for granted. If you pay any attention you have probably noticed there seems to be very little difference in most of the candidates that are offered for your consideration. This is probably the same reason we hear about "the issues" in every election. Curiously, these "issues" always seem to remain the same.
In my view, this is the first election, in my lifetime, which will test whether we really want self government or are content to go back to being taken care of by those who know better, are smarter than we are, and generally better suited to look out for our interests than "us ordinary folks"! In the middle 18th century our ancestors faced a similar choice and stepped up to take control of their own destiny. They had to fight and die for their choice, we only have do our homework, choose the future we want, and go to the polls to cast our vote for the candidate we think will get us on that path.
Sounds simple? It's not, if we continue on the "business as usual" path we have been on. How do we decide which path we want to follow. Many of us religiously follow CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, others swear by FOX News, and some even watch network news. They will tell us like it is, NO, they will tell us what they want us to hear, more accurately, what will entice their listeners to buy the products they sell. Yeah but O'Reilly, O'Donnell, Mathews, or those folks at NPR will tell us like it is. Unfortunately, there is so much competition for the chance to sell you something, yes NPR is selling also, even the talking heads will tell you what they think, not what it really is.
This election is too important to base a decision on a single point of view which may or may not be the actual truth of the matter but instead, part truth and part scripted. Frankly, none of us can be sure we are getting the truth, in fact, we might question what the media presents to us as facts. In today's world the only thing we can rely on is that everyone has their own agenda, that journalistic neutrality is a thing of the past.
You have to do your own research. Find out for yourself what is going on, NOT what you are being told is going on. Ask your Doctor, or his nurse, what they think of the "Affordable Care Act". Ask a small business owner if he thinks he will hire more people in the near future or expand his or her business. Above all, don't believe the polls which are constantly telling you what YOU believe. Remember polls are only as good as the questions being asked of the people who are selected to answer.
I the end you are in a similar position as a person in 1776, you have to choose how you want to live the rest of your life. Please Choose Wisely!
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