If you are paying attention, you might wonder why any reasonably intelligent person would vote to raise taxes when independent analysts hired by the same government report these new taxes could cost 700,000 jobs. Put more people out of work? Doesn't seem to make sense does it? Especially, when they need to get re-elected in order to maintain the life of luxury to which they've become accustomed at our expense! Click on the link below to get the facts about this latest move for votes!
Obama and Senate Democrats want MORE of your money!
First of all, most of us pay little or no attention to what these politicians are doing. At best, we might pick up on the sound bites brought to us by our "watchdog", the media. So they keep repeating slogans like "tax the rich", make them "pay their fair share", and the like. They know enough of us will react in favor of the rich paying more, and a new tax is born! They've been doing this for years and you and I have let them. They told you Obamacare would lower your health costs and provide coverage for all, especially those 40 million "unfortunates" who have no care at all. We didn't object much and they slipped a massive program through BEFORE it was even written. Strange though, now that it is passed, the Congressional Budget people tell us more than 30 million of those "unfortunates" will STILL have no insurance.
There is however, a much more sinister scenario being played out. Politicians have long known that handing "goodies" to people tended to get them to vote for the person doing the handing in order to keep the "goodies" coming. At first it was a job or some government work. FDR made it even bigger with Social Security and other federal programs. LBJ, in the sixties, took it to the big leagues with "The Great Society"! We would eliminate poverty in our time by throwing trillions of dollars at the problem. Well, we've done just that every year since and the other day our government made the announcement, yeah there are MORE people in poverty today than there were when LBJ jammed his program through! On and on it goes, did Obama bail out General Motors or the Auto Workers union who support him? Now we are actually paying for ads encouraging people to sign up for food stamps! Millions of others have suddenly become disabled and draw government checks. About half of us don't pay ANY income tax!
It's really our fault, we listen to the hogwash spread by the media and the political spokespeople; we allow these windbag politicians to read someone else's (who is not elected) words and never tell us how they really feel; and never hold them accountable for doing absolutely nothing except scheming to get re-elected. If these people are so bright why will their handlers never let them near a microphone without a prepared statement, prepared by someone else? Why does "the smartest guy in the room" never go anywhere without his teleprompter?
We better start paying attention to what these "windbags" are doing to us we will find ourselves in the same boat as the European countries our ancestors fought a war to leave!
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