Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Vote for Obama is a Vote For...........?

Although it's obvious why most of those who receive a check from Obama's castle or find themselves in a position of not having to pay any taxes at all would hurry to vote for King Barak, eligible voter or not, but it boggles the mind why in the world the people who will have to pay the bills wouldn't vote for ANYONE BUT HIM. If it wasn't obvious before it is after his "gutting" of the Clinton Welfare Reform Act he will do VIRTUALLY ANYTHING to get re-elected.
 How does it feel to provide support for those among us who simply choose not to work? Remember, Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class, he didn't, however, promise not to raise your healthcare costs, demand you pay for birth control (someone else's), pick up the tab for your neighbor who doesn't pay ANY taxes, or send a check (your tax money) to the guy down the street who has decided not to work anymore.
 Yeah, Obama is concerned about the middle class. He is concerned about moving them out of the middle class and getting into the Obama dependent voters class. Not there yet? Well vote for him again and hold onto your hat!

1 comment:

  1. The general US population seems to be unfortunately desensitized to the word 'Marxism'. No one cares what the true meaning of the ideology is or its potential to completely destroy the middle class. We are the next great 21st century socialism experiment.


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