Thursday, May 3, 2012

What Is Your Part In Government?

The founders looked at the House of Representatives as the "house of the people" and determined it's members should be elected every two years in order that the representatives be directly answerable to the people. The two year term would insure that a member could easily be recalled if he was found negligent in his actions in representing the wishes of the people who elected him. This was self-government in it's most basic form. It was the responsibility of each citizen to make sure those sent to the seat of government was truly acting in accordance to the wishes of those who sent him there; if not he was to be recalled in the next election. This is government with the consent of the governed.  James Madison discusses the election of congressmen in Federalist No. 57.

 In June of 1858 Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech at his nomination as the Republican candidate for Senator from Illinois which would after be referred to as "The House Divided" speech. If you google it you can read the complete speech, but, as we mentioned before it is given in the context of the country's division over slavery. Lincoln did not think the country would fail, he felt it would become either all slavery or no slavery and deemed it the people's responsibility (self government) to choose.

Today, we are once again divided and you must accept your responsibility and choose which way your country will go. The choice today is not about slavery, but about the kind of government we will have as we go forward. What are the choices you have? The trend today, by those in power, is swiftly taking us toward a system where the decisions are being made by un-elected bureaucrats who don't answer to you the people. Obviously, this is not the direction the Founders envisioned when writing the Constitution. In fact, it might be the courts would determine much of what is being done today unconstitutional if only someone would bring forward a challenge. The talking heads, depending on the political side they are paid to support, would have you believe the other side is the bad guy. Don't believe it! The parties often trade positions of control. The Republicans ran things until 2006, then the Democrats took over yet things just continue to get worse.

If it's not Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, or Liberals then what is the problem. In my view, one of the major problems is the media itself. Each side points to the bias of the other, but we can not forget their primary responsibility is to sell something. No matter what they tell you if they don't sell erectile dis-function cures, shampoo, cars, or the latest electronic gadget they won't be around very long. No, I think, if you choose to take back your country and move back to government by consent of the governed. If you choose to protect the God given liberties you still have and get back the ones you've already lost there is a much more serious problem you must address.

Our forefathers fought and died to free us from a ruling class. Yet we are allowing the same type of class system to infiltrate our government. The best example I can give is:
John Dingle, 85 is announcing he will run for his 29th full term as a congressman from Michigan! Mr Dingell first entered Congress in 1955, to complete the term of his father. This means, if elected, he will be starting his 58th year in Congress. There is no way the Founders intended anyone would stay in Congress this long and this is the crux of our problem. The only experience Dingell brings to the table is running for office 29 times. We have made elective office, at all levels, far too lucrative. Politicians are in constant election mode, abdicating their responsibilities to appointed bureaucrats who do not answer to us. Sound familiar? It could be said there is little difference between 1776 and 2012 except the decisions are made for us in Washington or in your state capital instead of the English Parliament. Either way, we have little say in our government.

November is coming and the choices are clear, our future is in your hands!

1 comment:

  1. It is up to us to lift out voices, either as an individual or as a group. It is US whose responsibility it is to elect and steer our representatives in a way that is good for "the people," not the ruling class. Pay attention to what is being said and don't take the word of the "Talking Heads." Find out for yourself what was said by the person who said it, not the slant that the media wants us to believe. Everyone has an agenda...find out who is truly speaking for you, then VOTE. If you don't like what is being said, RUN. It is a government for the people, by the people. It is up to you...


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