The Founders believed our rights came from our Creator not from a government. They believed natural rights are NOT given by government, governments are created to secure these natural rights for it's citizens. Abraham Lincoln believed the principle of "Liberty to all--the one principle that clears the the path for all--gives hope to all--and by consequence, enterprise, and industry, to all."
What are natural rights? In order for the Founders to put their lives, and the lives of their families, at risk by declaring their independence from, and committing to a war with perhaps the World's most powerful nation of the time they must have had some really good reasons. We have all heard about tea parties and taxation, but were these really enough to take this drastic action? If you read the Declaration of Independence you will find the primary reasons, which I believe, finally brought about the breakup.
The Declaration is divided into three main parts. First, the authors put forward their beliefs: second, they provided a pretty extensive list of the ways they saw these beliefs being violated by the King of England; and third, they put forward the specific action they would take. What fundamental beliefs could have been so inviolate to cause such a drastic action? These brave men claimed to "hold the following truths to be self-evident-that all me are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-". The Founders saw the British King taking away these liberties without the consent of the governed and acted accordingly.
Many people today, calling themselves progressives, do not believe there is any such thing as God given rights and even if there are they were only used in the Declaration to free themselves from England. They point out if these so-called Liberties are not even mentioned in the Constitution how can they apply to us more than two hundred years later?
If these men believed strongly enough in these Liberties to put themselves at risk of hanging or being drawn and quartered wouldn't it logically follow they would build a Constitution and a government that would insure these liberties would be preserved for all? Many people, including Abraham Lincoln believed the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution were completely entwined. Lincoln used a King James bible verse to illustrate the point; in Proverbs 25:11 we find: "a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver"-to describe the relationship between the principles of the Declaration and the Constitution. The gold apples being the Declaration of Independence surrounded by a frame of silver, the Constitution.
The progressives of today are working to take these liberties away through lawsuits and regulations all the while re-inventing history to make their case. I would be willing to bet the kids of today are not even required to read either of these documents. In grade school we memorized the Gettysburg address, perhaps the most famous speech in history. Since I doubt kids see it today you will find it on my blog. The only way the progressives will succeed is to convince you that you are not guaranteed only the pursuit of happiness, by our Constitution but total happiness by your government. The weakness in government by progressive is their belief in their ability to change human nature. Government can't guarantee you will be happy because everyone's happiness is different.
These two documents are the foundation for your government, make it your business to know what is in them. Take some time to pay attention when you hear about a new "rule or regulation" and ask yourself how it effects one of your God-given liberties. Then remember it was written by some en-elected bureaucrat. How is that working for you?
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