So here we are again, right back to where we were before that "landmark" election in November. We are once again watching people we sent to represent our interests playing politics with every problem we face as a Nation. Both parties play at addressing our concerns, while all the while calculating how doing nothing could be twisted to gain political advantage over the other.
They play the race card or class warfare. They bring bills to a vote knowing full well they will not pass but allow them to tar the other side as uncaring or obstructionist. Above all, they expend most of their energy on painting the other side in a negative light that can be used against them in the next election. Never mind that millions of their constituents are struggling to survive. In fact those very struggles work to the politicians advantage by focusing the voters attention away from the people who are supposed to look out for them. They pass bills, like continually extending unemployment benefits, to insure the struggle continues.
These people we elected are supposed to care, and they do, about getting re-elected! They see the problems they were sent to address as opportunities to feather their own nests and assure their continuity in office. The longer they are in office the more adept they become at lining their own pockets.
Our politicians create rules and laws that apply to us, the commoners, but not to the quasi-ruling class they fancy for themselves. Ask yourself if they have to submit to unconstitutional body scans and pat downs. When is the last time the taxpayers sent you to some of the best resorts in the world. Is your healthcare guaranteed for the rest of your life? Most of us will not become millionaires when we retire from our jobs like the people we send to Washington.
Many say the Country is sliding down a "slippery slope" or even "swirling around the bowl". They may be right! We may be going the same way some of the great civilizations of history have gone unless we begin to take back what we have given away.
We can start by unelecting every elected politician, staff member, and "political hack" who helps these clowns get elected. We need to send new people to represent us with the message "look out for our interests or your only interest will be finding a new job for yourself.
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