Despite all the pats on the back and celebrations of the people's message of the November mid term elections your 6th grade teacher would have graded you at a 20! That's right a 20! But why, we elected about 80 NEW members of Congress; our Tea Party candidates won big; and we sent a strong message that they better pay attention to us!
Yeah they really paid attention. The leadership is exactly the same except in the House it flopped from minority to majority. Not one of the NEW people became part of the leadership, to my knowledge, and we left more than 80% of the people who got us into this mess in place. Say what you will, but seniority still prevails and will for the foreseeable future. Until we figure out what might be a new slant on the definition of insanity: "keeping the same people in place and expecting different results"; we will continue to slip further and further down the slippery slope until we no longer recognize our own country.
We have a newly re-elected congressman from New York City convicted of multiple counts of ethics violation. Because of his age, he has been in Congress for most of his adult life, we can only hope he can survive the "slap on the wrist" he will get for his indiscretions. Oh yeah, this humble public servant somehow managed to scrape together $2,000,000 to pay his attorney. Ask yourself if you failed to pay thousands of dollars in taxes what kind of "slap" you would get?
If we were to seriously evaluate the results of this election in terms of the change we can expect we would have to conclude that there wouldn't really be much. The new members will not be able to overcome the existing power structure. The smoke from this defeat of the policies that are heading us toward bankruptcy and third world status will soon clear. Two years is a long time and few people will maintain their anger till then. After all, these entrenched "public servants" survived this worst defeat since the 30's and, if anything, their power increased.
If you think your message had an impact get past the rhetoric and watch what is actually done. If you want to see an example of the ongoing abuse of power, click on the link below:
Is This What You Want?
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