Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Greatest Generation

Jonah Goldberg wrote in the March 5 edition: "But the idea that a whole generation deserves credit for what only some did is little more than an attempt to buy glory on the cheap." Normally I am a fan of Mr. Goldberg's columns but I must disagree with this one. I was born at the very tail end of this generation, 1939, so I have little claim on the honor and respect that must be paid to this "greatest generation"! Perhaps Mr Goldberg is basing his opinions on the "wars" he has lived through where those actually fighting are the only ones truly effected. The rest of us go about our daily business as usual. He probably never watched his parents try to figure out if they had enough gas to get to the grocery store at the end of the month becsuse they had used up their ration coupons. Maybe he never saw the family car parked because the tires were unsafe and none were to be had or watch his dad leave the house every night as an air raid warden to make sure no light showed in any neighborhood houses. Oh my dad knew it was unlikely to be bombed in Watertown New York but it was his only way to participate since the draft board made him stay home and continue running his ice plant. I don't think he ever quite got over not being able to join the fight with his friends, over there even though he knew, in those days, ice was critical, especially to the Army base a few miles to the north. Most of all, I doubt Mr Goldberg had to walk through his neighborhood and watch the Gold Stars go up in the windows right next the ice needed signs. This whole generation participated in this war, even if they didn't carry a gun!

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