Monday, August 17, 2009

Were We Hiding Behind The Door?

What is actually in the more than 1000 page bill that both sides are spending millions of dollars telling us it will be good or bad for us depending on their agenda? It seems no one actually knows except those very few congressional aides, lawyers,and lobbyists who actually wrote the bill. Most congressmen and senators are not even embarrassed to admit they have not read the bill, but are ready to vote for or against it on the orders of their respective parties.
We, the citizen/taypayer, are not even invited to the party. This is clearly a battle between Democrat and Republican; big government advocates and bigger government advocates; and lobbyists for both sides of the healthcare industry. What's best for us does not seem to be in the mix. Most participants in the debate on either side probably don't even know how their vote for against will impact us, nor do most of them seem to care!
The media picks a side they think is most favorable to the audience they wish to attract and pound away 24 hours per day in the hope of attracting more of us to watch, listen, or read in the hope we will buy more of the soap their advertisers are selling. Think of it, those of us who have cable or satellite pay for the privilege of being bombarded by this drivel. The media needs to sell their clients and the politician needs to get re-elected. Thus your elected representative will say, do, or vote for anything that will attract him or her to the media. Some "journalists" will cover all this without challenge no matter how ridiculous or simplistic it might seem.
Where are you and I in all this? Look around you, jobs are being lost faster than you can count, but we are told it's getting better because we didn't lose as many this month as we expected; houses are being repossesed; and your 401K (if you have one) is in the toilet. Yet what are your elected representatives doing? They are pushing to spend millions and billions more, most of which is "pork" designed to appease the voters back home in order to get elected again.
The "media", oh yeah let's not forget them! They are stoking the fire for all they are worth.
You could say we asked for it, after all we elected these clowns in the first place. I guess we forgot to be careful of what we wished!

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