It's scary watching your country deteriorate before your very eyes. Perhaps we can appreciate how the Romans felt as their empire disintegrated around them. It amazes me how little many, if not most, people pay attention to exactly how broken our system really is. Nothing, touched by government, seems to work. In my view one of the main reasons is the appointment, by whatever party is in power, of political hacks, or fundraisers to positions that should be filled by people with the expertise and experience to carry out the job. Don't agree? Let me site some examples:
We are being attacked at home and abroad yet our Secretary of Defense is a retired politician whose expertise apparently comes from being a Sergeant in Viet Nam, yet he is responsible for our military all over the world.
After 09/11 politicians combined a number of agencies concerned with our domestic safety into The Department of Homeland Security. This move has evolved into a massive organization, where it seems one hand never knows what the other is doing. Our immigration system is virtually non-existent, with millions of illegals streaming across the border with Mexico. Even more chilling are the millions of people coming on student visas who then stay here never even attending a class or dropping out after a short stay. By the way, this portion of our immigration problem is not even mentioned in the "Gang of Eight" legislation. Many come from the very regions of the World breeding Muslim terrorism. Most of these non-students, like the Boston brothers might be given permanent status under Obama's program to reward kids brought here against their willby parents sneaking into our Country because no face-to-face interviews willapparently not be required to qualify. In charge of all this, and protecting our safety stands Janet Napalitano. Her experience as a law clerk and Democratic governor qualifies her to run this immense agency . She is regarded as an expert on immigration because under her watch, Arizona was flooded by thousands of ILLEGAL aliens from Mexico. We won't even discuss the drug business back and forth across the border.
You could go down the list of past administrations and find the same things. Obama's current nominee for Commerce Secretary is an ace Democratic fund raiser. Probably knows a great deal about commerce.
It may already be too late, but it certainly soon will be if we let this go on for much longer. We have allowed a ruling class to develop in our country which is strangling our freedoms and our future as they increase benefits for themselves and those who provide the money to keep them in office. The statement "it's your Country" seems no longer appropriate and should be changed to "it's their Country"!
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