For the longest time I have been trying to figure out how a group of seemingly intelligent elected officials could turn a blind eye to what has been happening to our country? How could someone professing to represent the people let millions of people lose their jobs and their homes and continue to do nothing but pay "lip service" to the obvious problems? In fact, not only do they fail to offer any real solutions, they continue to spend (or as they call it invest), piling up mountains of debt on the backs of their own grandchildren.
Anyone who has visited a doctor or endured even a short hospital stay and looked at the ensuing bill will quickly realize we can sustain the the exploding health care costs for only a very short time before our whole system collapses. Yet our politicians continue to use medicare, medicaid, and social security as campaign issues, not as problems to be solved. In fact, if one party or the other offers anything resembling a solution will find itself attacked as hostile to seniors or the poor, as both groups find themselves worse off as each year or election cycle passes.
We are now told every day that things are improving, that we are adding jobs, banks are lending, and if we keep investing we will grow our way out of this. The only jobs I see growing are those in government. These jobs produce nothing except a drain on the economy. They "invest" more and more of our money in keeping their jobs.
If you wonder, as I have, how anyone who cares about the people they represent can let the "American Dream" get further and further out of reach all the while making sure he or she is re-elected, the answer is they don't care! They will continue to do what those before them have done for years, let the next guy worry about it! They will get their power, building great wealth at our expense, living as the privileged class, and, with luck, the bills won't come due until after they are gone.
In 1776 we fought a war because we were tired of a "privileged class" from across the ocean living the good life while the working Americans struggled to survive. Looking around today one can only wonder if we simply traded one "special class" for another.
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