It's election time again and we are subjected to the all-to-familiar debate about who should pay the bills for all those services we demand-Local, State, or Federal Government.
We have let politicians, who are only interested in their own re-election, convince us that federal money is different from state money is different than local money. In truth, the only difference is which of our pockets they pick. Government, at any level, does not generate a dime on their own! Yet these politicians constantly refer to the money they "invest" on our behalf as if it were their own and they were spending it on us out of "the goodness of their hearts".
The incumbents continually tell us about the money they bring back to their districts each year. If someone in the press would only report the truth, we would find we, in fact, usually pay in far more than we get back!
They tell us that seniority means power and power means more benefits for you the constituent. What someone should be saying is power means a better chance to get re-elected and we all know that means more traffic from our pockets to their pockets. Do a Google search and find out how much the net worth of your representative has grown since he or she went to the capitol to "represent" you.
How many times have you heard one of these "blowhards" say "I have dedicated my life to public service"? I think the Founding Fathers would have defined public service as a term or two in service to their community and then a return to that community which would be represented by some one else. Instead their vision has become a money trough and a path to wealth and perks beyond belief.
If the Founders "crystal ball" had been working they would have surely added term limits to the Constitution!
Grandpa... thank you for your blog posts. I really enjoy them and feel as though I am actually learning something about our government. Politics are all so confusing as I'm sure they want it that way... but your insight helps me to make some sense of it all. Love to everybody from Evelynn, Andy, and I.